It’s that feeling of ‘something missing’…


Or maybe a feeling of ‘something’s not quite right.’

I had felt it most of my life. 

Through the downhill moments, of course. But through the ups, tooThat feeling was my greatest gift, cleverly cloaked in the most unexpected wrapper. 

It brought me home. To ALL of me.


My first 20 years were a whirlwind: emotional abandonment, sexual trauma, a suicidal partner, and drug addiction. By the time I was 30, I was living with deep shame and a soul-crushing inner critic. 

Serendipitously, I started attending a women’s circle. And my healing had begun. 

The dust stirred up by my traumas started to settle and moments of joy resurfaced. But another feeling resurfaced, too. That feeling…


Longing. A deep, achy emptiness that I couldn’t quite shake or fill,
no matter what I tried. Decades of digging, searching, and doing the transformational inner work led to one life-changing moment:
when my Sacred Mentor told me,

Joni is longing for Joni.”

Those words. They broke me open and landed deep in my heart.

I finally felt the truth


In the blink of a moment, I woke up:

I was longing for ME.


Not just the shiny, high-achieving, socially accepted parts – but the scared, hidden away, shame-filled ones, too

And so started my journey home. To me, to you, and to all the awakening women who feel that same longing. 

You don’t have to walk this path alone. In fact, you’re not meant to.

Nice to meet you, SeekingWoman!

I’m Joni. And this is where you’ll find your ‘something missing.’

Sacred Rebel | Nurturing Guide | Fierce Heart

30 years on this path and I’ve come home – to the most heart-full relationships, a beautiful family, a healthy mind, and self-love that never quits.

And to my uplifting purpose:

Helping women to heal what is holding them back and walk the path of their heart.
Claiming their space, their voice, and who they’re born to be.

I’m here to pass the love light torch.
To hold you, walk alongside you.

To guide you home, too.

I can’t say enough good things about Joni. I wish that everyone had the opportunity to be touched by her spirit.
When I was looking for support, I had no idea it was possible to find the perfect guide. Joni has a very gentle approach and within minutes I felt a trust building that allowed me to begin a journey of self-understanding and growth.
Her abundance of knowledge and experience flows out at personal pace. She gently guided me through the stages of understanding myself as I was ready, not to any standard or timeline.
Joni has a gift of seeing your inner being and drawing it out with a genuine loving tenderness that ripples out to so many different aspects of your life.


– Leah, 1:1 Client

More About Joni

Inner Health Expert

Grounded in Science & Spiritual Truth

Not-So-Secret Talents

  • Re-awakening the capacity to love fully and vulnerably.
  • Completely healing the inner critic.
  • Neuroscience and psychology alongside meaningful connection to form a powerful space of healing and personal expansion. (Far beyond traditional therapy.)

Experience & Expertise

  • Over twenty years of facilitating personal leadership events and working intimately with private clients. 
  • A BA with a focus in Women’s Studies.
  • Mother of two.  A corporate and an entrepreneurial career.
  • A profound ‘tragedy to triumph’ journey of personal transformation.