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Healing Your Inner Critic

Heal your Inner Critic, Release Fear of Judgment and Create Lifelong Self-Love

A powerful online course that will take you from being your own worst enemy to being your own very best friend.

Your Inner Critic is not “normal,” it’s a wound waiting to be healed.. And healing this wound is not only possible, it’s life transformational.
Imagine your life without that crushing inner judgment! Who would you be and what would you create?

A Note from Joni..

Can you relate to any of these? 

Every day there’s a critical voice running in your head.

It doesn’t seem to matter what you do to shut it off, it simply will not go away.

You are full of self-doubt and shame.

No matter what you’re doing in your life, it never feels like enough, you never feel like enough.. 

You feel lesser than others and worry that they are judging you.

A constant internal worry about what people truly think about you. 

Your body is hurting and you don’t know why.

First it’s your head, then your back, then your stomach. You just don’t ever feel truly well. 

Living with a constant Inner Critic is really, really hard. That little voice. Always laying on the pressure. Second-guessing and criticizing your every move. Dampening the fire of your ‘should-be vibrance’ and ‘would-be beautiful life.’

It leaves you feeling unworthy, not enough. Under constant pressures of perfectionism and people-pleasing. Hiding yourself from the world.

Your inner critic has the reins. And your healing feels stubbornly stuck because of it.

Life is feeling small, empty, and very heavy – when it could be radiating wellness and joy!

The missing piece keeping you unhealed?
YOU. LOVING every part of you. ‘That little voice’ included.

Pushing away, ignoring, and running from that little voice? It only creates more tension and conflict inside. Because you’re pushing away you.

Your wounds are calling you, right to where you need support. Your Inner Critic is one of those wounds.

When you embrace everything you are – not just the shiny bits – with TOTAL love and acceptance…

Finally-Totally-Completely HEAL!

And “not enoughness” doesn’t stand a chance.

How would you feel if you could…

Feel fully supported and loved by the most important person in your life: you!

Imagine knowing that at the end of every day, whether it went well or was super hard, there was someone waiting for you with loving support, acknowledgement, warmth and care.

Live in a judgment-free inner space of self-respect and self-love.

Stop blaming yourself (and others) and truly care about and support yourself with compassionate curiosity and true, regular self-care.

Dissolve the intense self-doubt that lead you to worry about what others are thinking of you.

Walk with compassionate curiosity towards others and believe your worth is being seen and recognized by the important people in your life.

Learn to communicate with your body in healthy, intuitive ways and dissolve old patterns of pain.

Finally heal your conflicted relationship with your body and create health and radiance from the inside out

“I have sat with Joni in sacred circles with hundreds of women and seen how her intuitive guidance transforms lives.”

Her ability to bring shadows to light and support people to move through challenges while cultivating self love is an incredible service to the world.

Her mastery blends sharp skill with heart-felt compassion and is a rare combination that is a gift to anyone she works with.

Alice Hong, Embodied Feminine Leadership Coach

Here’s what you’ll learn…

Module 1

The Beginnings of Your Inner Critic and Why She is There

  • We start where we are-taking stock of your Inner Critic and her activity in your life 
  • Uncovering the powerful origin story of your Inner Critic
  • Our first Dive into a Guided Meditation that will deeply connect you with you
  • A peek down the road: what does your life without an active Inner Critic feel like?

Module 2

Getting to know your own Inner Critic intimately

  • Identifying the tone and character of your inner critic
  • Listening to and understanding how your body reacts to your Inner Critic
  • Using compassionate curiosity to learn about your inner critic and her motivations and needs
  • Masterfully leading your Inner Critic to her (and your) healing

Module 3

Busting the myth: “ I need my inner critic or I won’t get anything done!”

  • Why your inner critic usually fails at getting you to act on her advice
  • What to do when you feel stuck and uninspired-what does motivate you to get things done!
  • Using your mind to train your brain-neurophysiology tools that dissolve procrastination
  • Turning your Inner Critic into your Inner Coach

Module 4

The Powerful Tools that Heal Your Inner Critic-and You

  • Learn what meditation really is, what it’s not, and how to do it successfully
  • Breathing techniques based in neuroscience that change your state, right now
  • Getting really grounded-simple practices to take you from scattered and anxious to calm and clear
  • Embodiment practices that truly get you into your body where so much wisdom, insight and guidance is waiting for you

Module 5

Exploring who you are now (without inner judgment)

  • Checking in with your Inner Critic-where and who is she now?
  • Exploring your best self and what you really lights you up
  • Creating your list of core values
  • Plotting out a map of your next big dreams, desires and adventures!

Module 6

Creating and Claiming Your New Reality

  • Understanding how intentions and manifestation really work 
  • The powerful system of claiming your desires for your one precious life
  • Creating a life-long devotional practice of healing all aspects inside
  • Putting a stake in the ground for your healthy, self-loving path forward

Registration Options


Early Bird Pricing until April 1



Launch Day: May 1



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