Pure. Radiant. YOU.

Reclaim the life you were always meant to live.

A Life of Limitation? Not for You, Awakening Woman!

A fully alive life‘heart-full’ relationships, an uplifting purpose, and unconditional belief in yourself –  you know it’s meant for you. And as someone who’s ‘always reaching for the stars’ (even if you feel far from that woman now), you can’t settle for anything less!

But right now, there’s a big ‘something’ in your way. A ‘something’ that you can’t quite see or put into words. No matter what you do, say, or achieve – it stops you from celebrating the life you’ve created.

We know that ‘something’ well: All that pressure, all the time.

To be perfect, perform, and prove you’re good enough to your inner critic.
To fix those relationships that feel stressful instead of joyful.
To carry with you a heavy load of unresolved emotions, anxiety, and trauma.
To live life by their rules, not your own. 

it’s making life feel small. And you? You were made for a fully lived life.

Take a deep breath and let it all go. We’ve got you.

Welcome to a community of women devoted to living fully.

A loving space for ambitious women to grow, take risks,
and be completely free.

That Fully Alive Life That You’re Longing For? 

It’s Longing for You, Too.

Not only that, it’s asking something of you.

Life is sending you signals – chronic pain, anxiety, emotional storms, and life challenges – to come home to yourselfTo heal the origins of your pain so you can show up as you. Authentically. Fully. Unapologetically. 

Awakening Woman, this is about taking the inner path home to yourself. 

Radical and dedicated self-love. That completely shifts your relationship with yourself. Your beloveds. Your life.

Support that heals the pains of trauma and self-criticism that keep you small.

Practices that create a life that flows from who you truly are and what you truly want.

Inner understanding and self-acceptance that helps you stop trading who you are for acceptance from others.

All this Love is the very source of healing. Nothing else comes close.

And you have an unlimited supply of it – you just need some help turning the tap to let all that goodness flow.

To the confident, loving, radiant woman that you are – I see you. Even when you haven’t.

Journey With Joni

3 Paths to Reclaiming the Entirety of YOU:

The Journey Home

1-1 Mentorship


Finally heal your inner critic and create a sanctuary within yourself to grow and thrive from.

Relationship Healing

1-1 or 2-1 Guidance


Build the intimate and completely authentic relationships that you’ve always longed for.

Emotional Mastery

Group Sessions


Develop emotional awareness, resiliency, and freedom from
emotional storms. 

Reclaim your radiance.

Build an unwavering foundation for your big, beautiful life.

Joni entered my life in a Divinely timed way, as do most impactful people.
I was living with many shadows, and shame. It was my first time being welcomed into sisterhood, and truly feeling beyond the words…that I was supported, and not alone.


Without that experience, my life trajectory would have been very different. I’ve stepped into living from a place of heart over head. I am forever in gratitude.


– Des, 1-1 Client

Path #1:

The Journey Home

Constant whispers of self-criticism, never feeling like ‘enough’, living by others’ expectations – and before you know it, you’ve become ‘your own worst enemy.’ When we live this way, the gap between self-criticism and love keeps getting wider…until we don’t even recognize who we’ve become. 

This path is the deeply powerful journey to fully healing your relationship with yourself.

Learn to express and love your truest expression by first dissolving old conditioning and lingering feelings of self-judgement. And finally come home to all of who you are.

For when you’re struggling with

Being hard on yourself. Feeling unworthy or not enough. Constant pressures of perfectionism and people-pleasing. Hiding yourself from the world. Longing for purpose, happiness, and a clear direction.

For when you’re looking for

    • The best mental, emotional, and spiritual health you’ve ever known.
    • More joy, confidence, freedom, and self-acceptance in your life.
    • Resilient self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth.
    • Complete healing of your inner child and inner critic by releasing trauma, wounds, and limiting beliefs. 
    • Connection to a higher purpose and vision for yourself.
    • Self-compassion and acceptance practices to overcome perfectionism and self-loathing.
    • Healing of generational trauma and societal conditioning.
    • A warm embrace with the woman you really are. (I can’t wait for you to meet her!)

The Journey

1-1 mentoring sessions with Joni and Group Retreats.


Ready to journey from self-criticism to unconditional self-love?

Path #2:

Relationship Healing

Relationship challenges make life richer. These difficulties are really your wounds, bubbling to the surface, asking to be healed. They challenge you to open up, connect genuinely, and show up as your true self – all so
and your beloved can grow, heal, and create the purest source of joy together.

This path will help you heal your relationships by creating true belonging through authenticity and conscious communication.

You’ll experience intimate and fulfilling connections in love, family, and community relationships
make your heart full

For when you’re struggling with: 

Relationship and communication conflicts with your partner or family member. Feeling like you’re carrying the weight of the relationship. Struggling to be vulnerable and let others in. 

For when you’re looking for: 

    • Rich, honest, real connection and intimacy.
    • Conscious communication with others. 
    • A safe space to release your armour, and practice trust and vulnerability.
    • True self-expression, acceptance, and belonging in your relationship.
    • Healing of societal and social trauma that’s affecting your relationship.
    • A way to mend your broken heart.

The Journey

1-1 or 2-1 guidance. Work with Joni individually or alongside your relationship.

Ready for more natural flow in your relationship?

Path #3:

Emotional Mastery

Suppressed feelings can show up as emotional storms – coming and going in an anxious flurry, sweeping you up right along with them. And other times, they surface as looming clouds of depression or a feeling of stale numbness. Either way, when they aren’t released in a healthy way, they build up and start de-stabilizing your health, relationships, and career. 

This path will show you the way to emotional fulfillment and freedom that you’ve not yet experienced in this lifetime.

Alongside a circle of Sacred Sisters, you’ll learn to trust your emotional body as a wise system – there to guide and assist you.

For when you’re struggling with: 

Emotional stress. Suppressing or avoiding feelings of grief, anger, or fear. Anxiety. PTSD. Feeling out of “control” of your emotions. An inability to find peace.

For when you’re looking for: 

    • Balance, vibrancy, and a healthy flow and release of emotions.
    • Strong emotional awareness and more inner strength and resiliency. 
    • A way to “manage” your emotions more effectively. 
    • A release of the effects (pressure!) of buried anger, sadness, and shame.
    • Practices for regaining your centre when you’re triggered into fight, flight, or freeze. 
    • An approach to understanding, respecting, and honouring the wisdom of your emotions.
    • A trusted, sacred circle to share your experience with and lean on when you need it most. 
    • An approach to emotional healing that’s both spiritual and science-based.

The Journey

Sessions with a group, led by Joni. Offered multiple times per year.

Ready for more inner health and wealth?

Not Sure Which Path To Choose?

A step forward is always the right direction.

Book a call and I’d love to guide you!